Play thousands of old-school arcade games on your computer:
ExtraMAME ver. 22.5
August 03, 2022 OS: MS Windows 11/10/8/7/VISTA/XP/2000
Is a small MS Windows compatible game GUI wrapper for MAME,
the Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator authored by Nicola Salmoria
and the MAME team. MAME let's you play thousands of old-school
arcade games on your computer. ExtraMAME is smaller and easier
to use. It doesn't force you to fuss with difficult configurations
and it's compatible with all MAME games.
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Download ExtraMAME (extramame.zip, 150 MB) ]
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Increase the operation system performance by making more memory available:
RAM Saver Professional ver. 22.5
May 25, 2022 OS: MS Windows 11/10/8/7/VISTA/XP/2000
Is an easy-to-use RAM
optimizer tool that will keep your computer running faster.
It increases the operation system performance by making more memory
for your applications. Defragment system memory for faster access time,
increasing the efficiency of your CPU and Motherboard caches;
recover memory leaks from poorly behaved applications;
flush unused libraries temporarily out to disk and so on.
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Download RAM Saver Pro (ramsaverpro.zip, 2 MB) ]
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Make access to frequently used folders of your computer easier:
ExtraSUBST ver. 7.3
January 18, 2022 OS: MS Windows 11/10/8/7/VISTA/XP/2000
The program
designed to make access to frequently
used folders of your computer easier. It is also used to create,
edit and remove virtual drives of your computer. Extra Subst
creates virtual drives on the basis of selected folders.
Physical drives remain unchanged and are not divided
into additional partitions.
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Download ExtraSUBST (extrasubst.zip, 1 MB) ]
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Encrypt your sensitive files and documents:
Fast File Encryptor ver. 10.0
January 18, 2022 OS: MS Windows 11/10/8/7/VISTA/XP/2000
Designed for fast processing of extremely
large files. It can encrypt or decrypt files, contents of folders and
a lot of additional tools. The Fast File Encryptor presents a flexible
user interface
with detailed messages about all operations. The Fast File Encryptor
the following tools: Encrypt File, Encrypt Folder, Often Used Files,
File Shredder, Folder Drive.
More Info ]
Download Fast File Encryptor (ffencryptor.zip, 2 MB) ]
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Increase the MS Windows operating system performance:
WinTools.net Classic ver. 23.4.1
March 27, 2023 OS: MS Windows 11/10/8/7/VISTA/XP/2000
Is a suite of tools for
increasing MS Windows operating system performance.
WinTools.net cleanly removes unwanted software from disk drives
and dead references from the Windows registry. WinTools.net puts you
in control of the Windows start up process, memory monitoring and gives you
the power to customize desktop and system settings to fit your needs.
More Info ]
Download WinTools.net Classic (wintools.zip, 3 MB) ]
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Increase the MS Windows operating system performance:
WinTools.net Professional ver. 23.4.1
March 27, 2023 OS: MS Windows 11/10/8/7/VISTA/XP/2000
Is a suite of tools for
increasing MS Windows operating system performance.
WinTools.net cleanly removes unwanted software from disk drives
and dead references from the Windows registry. WinTools.net puts you
in control of the Windows start up process, memory monitoring and gives you
the power to customize desktop and system settings to fit your needs.
Adds more speed and stability for your connection. Ensures your privacy
and keep sensitive information secure.
More Info ]
Download WinTools.net Pro (wintoolspro.zip, 3 MB) ]
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