
While you are working on your
computer the system monitors the so called "history" and
saves it. All information about your work in the Internet - when
and which sites you visited, of what content, which programs
downloaded, with which documents you worked, which and whom you
wrote, what you looked for, which folders you opened, what
computers you connected to - all that and a lot of other
information is left on your computer. Any person who has an
access to your PC can easily access this information and monitor
practically your every step. Besides he/she can collect
compromising information about you. In that situation
confidentiality can not be guaranteed. So much accessible
information about you not only destroys your privacy but also
slows down your computer. All this information is kept on your
hard drive, in the system registry. Besides the history of
started programs, history of the search, history of last opened
documents is constantly loading by the system and "eats" RAM of
your computer.
System requirements:
- OS: MS Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/VISTA/Me/2000/XP x86 x64
Minimum screen resolution 1024x768
- CPU:
Pentium processor and above
- RAM:
128 Mb RAM
- HDD:
5 Mb free disk space
- Download size: 1.4M